
An “action” is a palette-function associated with a move.  The palette-function  can work against the same (issuing) palette (using “me” for the palette name) or a different palette. You can use the short-cut naming, i.e. 01_B.  It is sort of like having autofx commands inside a palette telling other palettes (or itself) what to do.

Actions usually appear in front of the other entries in the *moves nc.


/* Assume this palette is called ArtistePalette_01_A


/* the red 1 above associates the action with the 1st move below. So  3 seconds after the 1st move is executed, the Action associated with it, the red 1 above, will turn a palette called 01_B the color BLUE.

/* the  red 2 above associates the action with the 2nd move below. So  1 second after the  2nd move is executed, the Action associated with it, the red 2 aboveWILL DELAY for an additional 2.5 seconds and THEN will turn a palette called 01_A the color orange.

/* the  red 3 above associates the action with the 3rd move below.
So  0.5 seconds after the 3rd move is executed, the Action associated with it, the red 3 above, will scale the palette called 01_C by 10% larger.

/* Moves
/*** Insert Here ***/

You can create dummy-moves for the sole purpose of using actions as mini-events. Dummy moves have no movement (<0,0,0>,<0,0,0,1>) but do have a duration. The durations above are 3 and 1 and 0.5, respectively.

To execute all the actions  you would simply use *autofx to execute the moves. Example:


This will cause the 3 actions associated with the 4 moves to execute in succession.

You could also, as always,  execute a single move at a time or a range of moves.

And of course you can further expand the powers of the actions by naming palettes the same and sending the same action to a group of same-named palettes. (Palette-Grouping).

Not only Palette-Grouping but Palette-Action-Chaining in that the Palette you direct an action to could itself talk to 1 or more Palettes.



Imagine that palette 02_D has 10 moves  and 02_E has 15 moves each with an associated action (10 actions and 15 actions respectively directed at  a total of 25 more palettes).
Things could get laggy depending but you to see the creative  possibilities and control are endless.

Also note that we have 2 actions for a 4th move. The would both execute when triggered in succession from an *autfox command that included the 4th move. This sort of emulates multiple commands on an *autofx line.

NOTE:the duration of the 3rd move is less than 1 second (0.5). You cannot have main events that are less than 1 second apart so this is a great work-around and alternative to solving that issue when needed.

NOTE: The moves don’t HAVE to be dummy moves.

NOTE: Unlike *autofx, Actions can only have one command. No multiples delineated by “$” are allowed.

NOTE: You don’t have to have an action for every move

NOTE: We have effectively embedded about 30 mini-events under  ONE main event using the above examples.


I just realized I had posted prior articled on Actions. You may find them helpful as well. Hear it again using different words.

Artiste Action


Actions – (Mini-Events)


Proof Of Concept with Video