Artiste MasterRezzer – TIPS

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I have found this method of operation useful for basic operations.

1 – Add new entry in *set? nc inside the master rezzer for the proper set you are working on.

2 – RELOAD the MasterRezzer

3 – ADD *setchild nc into the new object to rez

4 – INSURE the SETID is set to proper set.

5 – INSURE InitialShowHide is set to transparency you wish to appear upon rez.

6 – ADD TPT – ChildRezzer v8.18 script. (Note: There may be a more recent version when you read this). Adding this script will send the needed information from the Child to the MasterRezzer.  There is no need to Reset.

7 – Copy (or Replace) the Child Object into the MasterRezzer.

8 – Test Rez your changes.

If you need to move and/or rotate the Child OR make changes to the *setchild nc then you can simply press ReloadChild button on the child.

Be sure to FREEZE the MasterRezzer, if you find that you have to RESET a Child. You do NOT have to FREEZE the MasterRezzer if you simply RELOAD the Child


You may very likely need to increase the RezDelay time for certain Children.  The rotation can take extra time, enough that the rotation might not complete after you try your rez at the show-venue, even though it worked at your staging/development platform. The item may not have needed a rotation there but will require one at the show-venue. So be prepared to increase the delay time.  There is a *rezdelays nc that i use. Simply add the name of the Child followed by a comma followed by the RezDelay desired in seconds.


Rezzing just ONE object from:
Chat, SD, Async, etc.


468 is the configurable chat channel for the ArtisteMasterRezzer
setrezr(or set_rezr) is the command
Rezz? is the action  and set the object to rez belongs to, in the example it is 2
Fireplace is the name of the object to rez and must be in the MasterRezzer

The objects need to have gone thru the process of prepared in a set and stored in the MasterRezzer prior to using this method


Highlighting prevents child from hiding when hide all or fading set to hide is invoked




Selective Kill on Object

Requires Async




Wear the Artiste DefaultSit Attachment v1.0
Add default sit animation entries into *defaultsitanims nc

*defaultsitanims nc
ScriptDesk,0315.Stand and Read-F-A

Send command in chat:  
-987987,DefaultSitAnim,(abbrev name of defaultSitAnim)