RLV Relay aka Follower-Relay
These are the current features available while wearing the Relay assuming it is configured properly and enabled. Commands are case insensitive.
Sit-On-Link – this feature allows a forced sit on a particular link
AdornSwapX – detaches from “s”, attaches from “t”
AdornSwapY – detaches from “t”, attaches from “s”
AdornRemoveS – detaches from “s”
AdornRemoveT – detaches from “t”
DefaultBoth – applies the same animation to both DefaultSit and DefaultStand
DefaultSit – applies the animation to the DefaultSit
DefaultStand – applies the animation to DefaultStand
ForceSit – forces the avatar to sit on the designated object with the designated key.
GetKey or Sit2Sit – forces the avatar to sit on the designated object with the designated object-name. This works region-wide.
UnSit – forces the avatar wearing the relay to stand-up.
Wear – Attaches all of the items in the specified folder to the assumed or specified attach-point WITHOUT removing any existing items attached to the attach-point
UnWear – Detaches all of the items in the specified folder to the assumed or specified attach-point WITHOUT removing any existing items attached to the attach-point
Replace – Attaches/Wears all of the items in the designated folder onto the assumed or specified attach-point, removing any and all existing items.
Adorn – This command uses the 1st character of the folder name to direct its actions.
a = attach
– = detach
r = replace
“–” removes everything from the specified folder prepended by a or r AND anything in the !RemoveDetach folder. The !RemoveDetach folder was created to allow you to remove, usually, a single item from an attach-point that has multiple items attached.
Teleport – Teleports the avatar to the specified location