This is a simple HUD that allows you to pull up the main menu of a
particular SmartDancer Controller based upon ActivationId. The default ID is 4. They must match. All you have to do is click on it in a non-button area and your normal SmartDancer Controller Menu will pop up, assuming matching Activation IDs in the SmartDancer RELAY and SmartDancer Controller.
The PINK Arrow will PLAY the current (last-read-in sequence)
The BLUE&WHITE BOOK-READER will ReRead the current sequence AND PLAY IT. Good after making nc changes.
The RED SQUARE will STOP the current SEQUENCE, if running, AND attempt to reposition the dancers to their default formations and orientations, also removing any effects.
The GREEN Arrow will PLAY the current (last-read-in PREPFORM)
The Girl in Blue reading the book will prompt you to SELECT one of 11 PREPFORMS to read in AND then PLAY it afterwards
The YELLOW & BLACK U-TURN button just Stops the current Sequence
The button with the girl reading on top of a stack of books will Read And Play current PREP
The button in the middle that looks like DNA sequencing brings up a sub-menu where you can select a particular sequence.
Clicking anywhere BUT on the buttons will bring up the MAIN MENU
You place a matching ActivationId in the Description field of your Relay HUD that matches the ActivationId in the *channels notecard of your SmartDancer Controller. The default is 4.( It is best to leave this value as using other values is considered advanced.)
This way you can have multiple relays able to control multiple SmartDancer Controllers.