Check the contents of the SD Box for:
1 – SmartDancer Controller – v9.8 or later
2 – ArtisteAnchor – v3.3g or later
3 – Artiste Performance HUD v12.3 or later – NOT NEEDED for STANDALONE use of SmartDancer
4 – Goes Into Animesh – 2 scripts and a *smartdancer nc – THIS HAS BEEN REPLACED by notecards and scripts INSIDE the FILE-COPIER
5 – Help — Refer to the Website for HELP as it will be the most up to date. Help is just a cheat-sheet for commands.
SmartDancer 146 – AUTOMATIC QuickStart Setup For SmartDancer File Copier and SmartDancer Replicator
NOTE: ResetScripts after you change nc info. You can often do that with a menu. There is also a Relay HUD for distance manipulation of your SmartDancer Controller. Controller has a menu and Anchor has a menu and HUD has a menu.
The MOST IMPORTANT THING to do is choose a unique channel for anchor to animesh/palette communications:
1) the unnamed entry in the *anchor nc in the Anchor MUST MATCH –>
2) the AnchorToAnimeshAndAvatarChannel entry in the *smartdancer nc that goes in the animesh and/or palette AND MUST MATCH –>
3) the ChannelForAnchorToAnimeshAvatar entry in the *channels nc in the SmartDancer Controller AND MUST MATCH –>
4) the AnchorToAnimeshAndAvatarChannel entry in the *filecopier nc in the FileCopier
Choose a UNIQUE channel for HUD to Animesh/Palette and Controller to Animesh/Palette communications in:
ChannelForSmartDancerFollower entry in the *channels nc in the SmartDancer Controller MUST MATCH–>
ChannelForSmartDancerFollower in the animesh and/or palette
Choose a UNIQUE channel for HUD_TO_EXT entry in the HUD in the *config nc MUST MATCH the ChannelForFromArtisteHUD entry in the *channels nc in the SmartDancer Controller
FileCopierToMeshChannel in the *filemanager nc MUST MATCH the FileCopierToMeshChannel in the *filecopier nc
Choose a UNIQUE channel for aiding the FileCopier detect duplicate animation names by assigning a channel to PingBackFromMeshToFileCopierChannel in the *filemanager nc which MUST MATCH PingBackFromMeshToFileCopierChannel in the *filecopier nc
NOTE: Copy animations is AUTOMATABLE using FILE-COPIER:
Copy animations into each animesh and/or SmartDancer Poseball.
Complete the *animations nc in the SmartDancer Controller to match the animations you have loaded. Assign a unique button name to each animation. (Max. 24 chars – only 10 to 12 will show up)
RESET the File Copier before use.
Change the Description in the FileCopier from J-R to the range of Animesh you wish to copy to.
Animesh must be COPY/MOD
Rename your animesh to ArtistePalette_01_(J thru R)
Remove all scripts from your animesh.
Set the InitialTurn, value in the *channels nc in the SmartDancer Controller to correct default-rez orientation of your animesh. This value will be Left, Right, 180, or blank
Set the InitialJune value in the *channels nc in the SmartDancer Controller to reorient your animesh-line and controller from your design platform to your show-time stage orientation. It will be Left, Right, 180, or blank. There are samples or you can use our SD Ori (Artiste SD Orienter v1.1) to print out the 3 entries based on audience direction.
There is also a FinalTurnAdj entry on the *smartdancer nc. This entry can be non-existent or blank or Left, Right, or 180 and is used to overcome the issue when using animesh from different creators that have different rez orientations.
AlwaysFaceAudience,(on/off) – this entry when on will cause dancers to ALWAYS face the audience regardless of Junes or Formations. Only TURNS will change the facing. This entry is off by default. It can also be set dynamically at run time in a sequence by using the AlwaysFaceAudience command. Also, this command is sensitive to Targeting.
The SmartController ALWAYS orients to 0,0,0. So the face/logo of the Controller will always face SOUTH. This is normal.
NOTE: This is AUTOMATABLE using FILE-COPIER: Copy *smartdancer nc into your animesh first, then add the 2 scripts. Then set the 2 scripts to RUNNING.
Other *channels nc entries in your SmartDancer Controller
If you want the hover-text on the animesh hidden (ArtistePalette_01_?) then set AutoHide,on else leave it AutoHide,off
If you want the log to automatically clear itself after 99 entries then turn AutoClearLog,on...otherwise when it gets full it will warn you that it is full and ask you to print the log out as the next controller menu press will cause it to clear out.
Set GuruZall to off if your animesh/poseballs are not all on the same vertical level. When is on, it forces everyone to line up exactly on the same level during formation changes since there is a glitch that raises its ugly head sometimes that can cause the vertical elevation to be ever-so-slightly out of alignment.
You can choose a different at-rest or starting animation other than the animation called ‘standing‘, which is the default and is or should be copied into every animesh and poseball.
InitialTurn and Initial June
These entries compensate for the fact that different animesh creators animesh rez at different rotations. Based on the direction your animesh/poseballs face towards the audience, these values will vary: See the values below. They will never change.
/* Facing North
/* Facing South
/* Facing West
/* Facing East
You can raise this value from 64 to something more if you need more dance entries in your *animations nc to choose from but beware there is a memory limitation but I do not know what it is but, depending on the length of the animation name, you could probably get a few more, maybe 100?