Your SmartDancer will come with 11 22 formations, BUT you can create your OWN custom formations using the Capture feature.
Align your dancers into the formation you want to create then press the CAPTURE button on the SD Controller via the [OPTIONS] submenu. Output will look something like the following.
[01:47:39] PE18a-r – Artiste SmartDancer – Controller – v11.2 Blk – RC6: <-5.330,-0.163,1.1474>,<-4.084,-0.137,1.1054>,<-2.856,-0.116,1.1237>,<-1.556,-0.139,1.1115>,<1.2501,-0.132,1.1533>,<2.4784,-0.125,1.1606>,<3.7536,-0.150,1.1174>,<5.0753,-0.142,1.1372>,<-0.111,-0.145,0.6384>
Copy and paste this entry into the *formations notecard, prefixed by a name you wish to appear on a menu button. This name should be from 10 to not more than 12 characters. In the example below, I named this line formation LineBlk. It must always be capitalized anywhere else you refer to it but I allow for mixed case here soits easier to read.
The *formations notecard is used exclusively for formations usable by dancers 01_J thru 01_R.
The dancers entry is the number of dancers in your formation.
The DDMoveTau is the number of seconds it will take to complete a formation transition (from one formation to another formation). This value can be overridden via the [Groupings] submenu using the MoveSpeed button. Anytime you add or change a formation you must reset your SD Controller.
You execute a formation transition via the [Formations] button on the main-menu. Simply pressing the button-name associated with the formation you want will cause the current formation to change into the newly selected formation. All button names will be automatically be CAPITALIZED.
The sequencer command to cause a formation transition during show/run time is: (Also, you MUST capitalize your formation name otherwise it will always use the LAST formation)
1,Form,LINEBLK| 0.1
A common mistake is not allowing enough time, in the example above, 9 seconds, for your formation to complete fully before doing the next thing.