A June is the term we use to describe a formation of dancers rotating around the location of the SD Controller around the Z-Axis.
The term is derived from June Taylor, and American choreographer and her June Taylor dancers who made group rotations famous back in the 50’s.
Junes can rotate:
45 degrees left
45 degrees right
semi-right (180 degrees clockwise)
semi-left (180 degrees counter-clockwise)
The best way to learn Juning is to simply try it. Press the June buttons and see how the dancers perform. Try it using different formations because formations can change the look and currently Junes are always based upon the current formation.
Example Command:
1,June,Left | 17
Junes also have their OWN Targeting, which is different than Canon, Autos, and Effects targeting. This means that you can select which dancers (J-R) that you want to participate in the June. This can lead to some interesting looks depending on the formation and the targets.