Glow is an instant action procedure that you can accomplish via the Controller Menu Buttons or via a Sequencer command.
1,Glow,j-r,0.5 | 1.0
This example causes ALL animesh and avatars (if SkipAviOnEffect,off) to glow at half intensity in a *sequence nc at elapsed time of 1.0 seconds.
To turn it off, follow it somewhere down the line in your *sequencer nc with something like the following:
14,Glow,j-r,0.0 | 233
Another Example:
3,Glow,alt1,0.2 | 5.0
Causes dancers (jlnq) to glow at 0.2 intensity when 5 seconds have elapsed.
For the SD Controller you will need to specify the GlowAmount
Then press Glow button.
If nothing happens then it means you need to select a Target so use the Target button and specify a Target.
ClearTarget will set Target to j-r.