Hybrid is a methodology for using an SD poseball as an Artiste Palette. The catch is that it can only be one or the other but not both at the same time. The way it works is that which ever one is enabled, disables the other one. We are talking about enabling and disabling scripts.
You can SKIP to where steps are listed #1 THRU #7 where it says:
“My HYBRID Installation Methodology is as follows”
The following just offers some background and describes what need to be done that I have tried to automate using the File Copier and Replicator.
You need to add a script called *AA_ArtisteHybrid v?.?
?.? will be the latest version of that Hybrid script. Add this to the SmartDancer poseball.
Remember that for poseballs to work with SmartDancer, they need to have their normal scripts installed as well:
*AA_FileManager (optional) can be removed using TrimScripts on Replicator for show time.
*AA_ScriptLoader(optional) can be removed using TrimScripts on Replicator for show time.
Animesh AIFormations
Animesh JRFormations
Animesh Receiver
Animesh Resetter
Animesh SmartDancer
Animesh TurnCompletionDelay
NOTE: Set range to A-A prior to Install. Then later we will replicate 01_A to those letters* that will be poseballs.
Your initialization and installation should look similar to the screen below, allowing for different dates and versions.
For Artiste Palette I chose to use the latest version named 26_F
Artiste Assets 04-14-16-AH
Artiste Fader 02-27-18-BF
Artiste Follower 11-15-17-AI
Artiste Hybrid – v1.2
Artiste Mover 05-17-18-DF
Artiste MovesLoader 02-15-18-AH
Artiste Palette 05-21-18-DY
Artiste Receiver 11-15-17-AR
Artiste Special FX 05-21-18-BA
Artiste Utility 04-10-18-FB
Artiste UUID Physics 11-15-2017
The following scripts are not needed nor used.
Artiste Coupler
Artiste Experience
Artiste SmartDancer
Artiste ChorusLine
Also remember to install any needed notecards.
For SmartDancer
*filemanager (optional)
For Palette
*thrower (optional)
*utility (optional)
The Replicator also has the *hybrid nc. This tells the Hybrid script which scripts it is to enable and disable for SD and Palette. the current contents as of this writing are:
/* Type,ScriptName
SD,Animesh AIFormations
SD,Animesh JRFormations
SD,Animesh Receiver
SD,Animesh SmartDancer
SD,Animesh TurnCompletionDelay
PAL,Artiste Assets
PAL,Artiste Experience
PAL,Artiste Fader
PAL,Artiste Follower
PAL,Artiste Mover
PAL,Artiste MovesLoader
PAL,Artiste Palette
PAL,Artiste Receiver
PAL,Artiste Special FX
PAL,Artiste Utility
PAL,Artiste UUID Physics
Should any new scripts be added in the future, then this nc will need to be updated.
It is strongly suggested that you first create a palette.
Set the anchor on top or bottom of your SmartDancer Controller
Next, set the Initial Offset of your Hybrid (combination of Artiste Palette and SmartDancer Poseball). Or course be sure Moveable is on. Moveable,on
My HYBRID Installation Methodology is as follows:
1 – Copy PinMe script into poseball named ArtistePalette_01_A, This script will be found in your Accessories Box.
2 – Be sure to TOUCH the poseball in order for PinMe to execute. It will delete itself after it runs. This functions in the same way as the Multi-Rezzer Object Pin, allowing scripts to be copied from one object to another.
3 – Run Initialize the File Copier
4 – Run Install from the File Copier
Replicator has a feature to install Palette Scripts & Palette Notecards
NOTE: *palette has
NOTE: *palette has
InitialOffset,<1,1,0>,<0.00000, 0.00000,0, 1>
M01_A_01,3.000000,<1.00000, 1.0, 0.00000>,<0,0,0,1>,none,0
5 – Run PALnotecards from Replicator. This installs all Palette ncs inside the Replicator except *canonoverrides. I have included the *hybrid nc for your convenience.
You need SmartDancer Animesh Replicator – v2.02 or later.
NOTE: TrimScripts is automatically run, prior to notecards for Palettes being copied otherwise the copy would fail because one of the scripts that will be removed rejects more than a total of 2 notecards being copied into an animesh/poseball as part of the Initialization verification process. No harm is done because the 2 scripts removed are only necessary for installing script updates or copying animations. etc.
This is what my poseball looks like after I run PALnotecards from the Replicator. See below.
6 – Run PALscripts from Replicator. This installs all Palette scripts inside the Replicator that begin with Artiste
This is what my poseball looks like after I run PALscripts from the Replicator. See below.
All Artiste scripts are disabled (set to NOT RUNNING) except, of course, for the Hybrid script (Artiste Hybrid). It is the script that will enable and disable the other scripts (SD and PAL)
Now after you have ArtistePalette_01_A setup for Hybridization, simply use the replicator to reproduce it as many times as needed.
7 – Test SD-Only mode by pressing HybridSD button
8 – Test PAL-Only mode by pressing HybridPAL button
SD-Only mode can ALSO be engaged by using the HybridSD command in AutoFX and using ArtistePerformance HUDs dated
at least:
PE04 – Artiste – Performance HUD RC7A-v12.31-Animesh/SD 8.01
PAL-Only mode can also be engaged from the SmartDancer Controller by issuing a HybridPAL command on a sequence nc. You just need a controller with a minimum version of:
PE18a-r – Artiste SmartDancer – Controller – v12.17 – RC7
It would be wise if this the following statement in the sequence was the last statement in the sequence.
99,HybridPAL | 100