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  • PALETTE REFERENCE – 34 – THROWER – PART 30 – Ricochet

    Ricochet Abilities: Thrower,on This thrower function requires that on *thrower nc the following entries be made: Boomerang,off Ricochet,on Gravity,0.01 (on Palette) – you can try slightly higher values but 0.10 is too much It has predefined in-palette behavior in order to short-cut and simplify its operation.  It propels a throwable Palette using MoveToTarget,on only, both…


  • PALETTE REFERENCE – 33 – THROWER – PART 29 – Boomerang

    Boomerang   IMPORTANT: Wait for ALL these message upon Reset or your rezzable will float, having not found a target: [09:33:52] rezboom: [LDR] 14 – Artiste PALETTE is READY !!! [09:34:07] rezboom: [ASS] 13 – Artiste Assets ->rezboom<- 71 lines read [09:34:07] rezboom: [ASS] Found Thrower Target Object1: AlienTarget1 [09:34:07] rezboom: [ASS] Found Thrower Target…


  • Palette Reference – 32 – Thrower – Part 28 – Rezzer Throw Orientation

    Rezzer Throw Orientation When using the RezSource entry on the *thrower nc it is important to realize that the position and rotation for a ‘throw‘, as in Apply Impulse and AngularVelocity, must be based upon the RezSource object LOCAL setting (the edit of the object, unless you have chosen  WORLD as your DirectionalVector setting on…


  • Palette Reference – 31 – Thrower – Part 27 – Target-Based Throwing – *thrower notecard

    Target-Based Throwing – *thrower notecard   Introducing Target-Based throwing, useful for easier targeting, although the flight-path is  not respondent to mass/gravity like Impulse-based throwing.  It is a trade-off. Below are some workable values to get you started: *thrower nc Motion: SetMoveToTarget,on Motion: MoveToTargetTau,2.0 Rotation: SetTargetOmega,on Rotation: TargetOmega,<1,0,0>,6.283185,2.0 Termination: RangePostActions,on Termination: AtRange,0.5 Termination: AttachOnRange,off,6 Termination: SetMatchPosAtTarget,off…


  • Palette Reference – 30 – Thrower – Part 26 – Target-Based Throwing

    Target-Based Throwing We will now learn about Target-Based Throwing as opposed to Impulse-Based Target-Based Motion: MoveToTarget Rotation: TargetOmega Termination: AtRange And yes you can mix choices from the 2 methods.  Feel free to experiment. This MoveToTarget-based motion system is useful for easier targeting but gives a different motion-style that does NOT respond to gravity/mass in…


  • Palette Reference – 29 – Thrower – Part 25 – Impulse-Based Throwing

    Impulse-Based Throwing So far we have focused on Impulse-Based throwing; AngularVelocity-Based rotation with Collision-Based termination. With our Impulse/Collision system, we used a gravity-dependent method of throwing so our throws had nice even rise/fall arcs that responded to gravity based upon their mass. (The rotation, however, was not mass-based, and by choice, as I felt it…


  • Palette Reference – 28 – Thrower – Part 24 – Preparing the Source

    Preparing the Source   The trick is to capture the release frame of the animations throwing gesture at the exact moment of its release.  You can use a recording device to record the animation.  Then step thru, frame by frame, determining which frame is the release frame.  It is what I did. You can set a…


  • Palette Reference – 27 – Thrower – Part 23 – Thrower0123OnRez

    Thrower0123OnRez This value is set inside the REZZABLE. This value should be 1, 2, or 3 for situations where you are creating  a Thrower-Rezzer.   The number determines which selection of ApplyImpulse, AngularVelocity, and CollisionPostActions will be used. It should be zero (0) if you are rezzing a normal Palette with NO throwing capabilities. Ex: Thrower0123OnRez,1…


  • Palette Reference – 26 – Thrower – Part 22 – ShowInMidFlightAfter

    ShowInMidFlightAfter If this value is NOT ZERO then it will delay the visibility of a thrown object for the number of seconds that follows: Ex: ShowInMidFlightAfter,1.7 This will delay the normal visibility for 1.7 seconds of a thrown Palette.  


  • Palette Reference – 25 – Thrower – Part 21 – AutoFX Sample Entry

    AutoFX Sample Entry 1,r=p%02_A%move1%WAIT=0.6%r=p%HatRezzer%throw1 Here we start the throwing animation that is assumed loaded into Palette named ArtistePalette_02_A.  It should be allotted enough time to complete its cycle fully prior to the actual throw.  In the case above, we allowed for 0.6 seconds.  It should have a zero move vector (<0,0,0>). Ex: M_02_A_01,4.5,<0,0,0>,<0,0,0,1>,FrisbeeThrow,0 Along with…