FadeIn and FadeOut are instant action procedures that you can accomplish via the Controller Menu Buttons or via a Sequencer command. FadeIn and FadeOut fade the full total linkset. Avi and its links. Non-Animesh are NOT faded. FadeIn and FadeOut are Target dependent and is part of the command.
Currently, FadeIn and FadeOut time is FIXED at about 2 seconds!
1,FadeOut,j-r | 0
2,FadeIn,j-r | 6 — allow time for fadeout to complete
1,FadeOut,lmno | 0
2,FadeIn,lmno | 6 — allow time for fadeout to complete
1,FadeIn,j-r | 0
2,FadeOut,j-r | 6 — allow time for fadein to complete
1,FadeIn,lmno | 0
2,FadeOut,lmno | 6 — allow time for fadein to complete